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  • 150 Parker Street, Suite B
    Vacaville, CA 95688
  • Daily 10am-5pm
    Thursdays until 8pm

Schmetz Topstich Needles, Size 100/16 - 1798

Schmetz Topstich Needles, Size 100/16 - 1798

The very long eye (2mm in all sizes) makes this the perfect needle for top & decorative stitching with multiple threads and for replacing missed stitches in embroidery.

System: 130 N. Size 16/100. 5 needles per pack.

    • 707-327-0734
      150 Parker Street, Suite B
      Vacaville, CA 95688
    • Daily 10am-5pm
      Thursdays until 8pm

    • Online options:

      $5 shipping or free in-store pickup.
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