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  • 150 Parker Street, Suite B
    Vacaville, CA 95688
  • Daily 10am-5pm
    Thursdays until 8pm

Garden Pewter Stitch Marker Set (w/ tin)

Garden Pewter Stitch Marker Set (w/ tin) by The Knitting Zone

Gardens are happy places, just like knitting is a happy hobby. Keep your garden with you year-round with this charming set of garden-themed stitch markers.

Made in the US of lead-safe cast pewter, these charming stitch markers are sure to make you smile.

    • 707-327-0734
      150 Parker Street, Suite B
      Vacaville, CA 95688
    • Daily 10am-5pm
      Thursdays until 8pm

    • Online options:

      $5 shipping or free in-store pickup.
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